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Throughout the past few weeks, OSU has been trending #BuckeyeLove on every social media site and online webpage. People often use the #BuckeyeLove in reference to the fact that they met their spouse at the university. However, it can also reference reasons to love OSU.

I would like to write today about why I love OSU. I have an endless number of #BuckeyeLove stories and reasons but I shall limit myself to just a couple.

During my first few weeks at OSU, the seemingly endless campus area and the thousands of students were definitely intimidating. However, I noticed that each and every day I spent on campus I became more comfortable. After returning from Christmas break, I really felt like the campus had become my own. During one of my RealLife meetings, the speaker had talked about how we, "unpack our luggage" when we get comfortable somewhere. By this he meant that we decide to settle down in that spot and build a life for ourselves. I have enjoyed doing this at OSU thus far and really feel like I am developing as a person. As I walked to class during the first few weeks of school, I felt like I never saw anyone I knew. With thousands of students on campus, what are the chances that you walk by your best friend? Well, lately I have been seeing more and more familiar faces. I must be honest, it is an amazing feeling to see a smile or a wave while walking to class. I have begun building the friendships with my peers that everyone talks about in college and I am so excited.

Another reason why I love OSU is because of what is happening on the campus. There are so many amazing things going on at this university in just a single day. Miracles happen at the medical center all the time. Our student organizations raise over $1.2 MILLION in a dance marathon for the kids (way to go Buckeyethon!). Future CEO's, artists, educators, politicians and doctors find their passions. To know that I am a part of such a thriving and outstanding community is very cool.

I could go on and on with #BuckeyeLove stories from my first year. Luckily, these things happen all the time. If you are lucky, maybe you will experience one too!

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