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5 Things for any College Freshman

I can officially call myself a sophomore at The Ohio State University. I cannot believe it. It feels as if the year flew by in the blink of an eye. I have experienced a lot in my first year at OSU. I would like to dedicate this blog to a list of 5 things that I would tell every college freshman. I know that these lists can be very common and overdone. However, I think that each person’s list is different because each person has a different personality and different experiences. Therefore, this is my list of 5 things that I find important for every college freshman to know and do.

1.) Don’t worry, be happy

Yes, this is one of the most commonly spoken phrases in history. However, it cannot be underestimated, especially in college. There are endless nights in which a student has 3 midterms, 2 papers, various club activities and a million other stresses on their mind. At times the life of a college student is overwhelming. During those times, it is important to take a deep breath and be happy. Appreciate the fact that you even have the opportunity to get such a fine education. Realize that you are living an amazing life and have so many privileges and opportunities at your fingertips. When thinking about those things, how could you not be happy?

2.) Realize that you need the people around you

Going into college, I heard that a lot. I never quite understood what they meant because I was always an independent person in high school. However, only a few weeks in college showed me how the people you are surrounded by can help you. College is not meant to be easy. It is meant to be difficult. There are many different issues that you will face on a daily basis. That is natural and part of the way that college shapes you as a person. Use your advisors, they know everything about this journey that you are on. Use the other faculty members, they can help you achieve your goals. Use your friends, they will teach you everything. During my second semester at OSU, I found a set of 5 other friends (6 including me) that were all taking the same classes. Especially towards the end of the semester, we would spend hours in study rooms. From statistics exams to labs for computer science, we always helped each other out. We were constantly bouncing ideas and concepts off of each other. Honestly, it was so cool to witness. I feel so honored to be surrounded by such brilliant people. They taught me a great deal inside of the classroom. However, they also helped me learn about myself and I am sure will continue to do so in the future. People will show you different sides of yourself and will help you become the person you want to be, as has happened with me and my group of friends.

3.) Trust yourself and others

As aforementioned, there will be many stressful nights. I do not know if other people struggle with this problem but I often underestimate myself. After studying for hours, I would still feel nervous for the exam the next day. However, after getting back my exam and getting a good grade, I often wondered why I was nervous. I have done extremely well academically in the past, why would this time be any different? I put in the work in order to get the result I wanted. As I got further into college, I realized that I need to trust myself and my abilities. On another note, college is the time of group projects. Those 4 years at that university is supposed to prepare you for the workplace, which is a lot of group work. Thus, it seems natural that college would include group projects as well. However, group projects are easier said than done. It is important that you learn to trust others, because you will be working alongside them from this point forward. You may be surprised, group projects can bring out some of your best work.

4.) Know yourself and be proud of that

College is not like high school in that everyone is on the same trajectory. Each person in college is following a different path to achieve their various goals. What is great for one person is another person’s worst night mare, and that is how it is supposed to be. It is important to realize that you need to make your own path and your own goals that will help you to fulfill your definition of success. You know your strengths, weaknesses and passions. Embrace them and utilize them. This tip can be applied to everyday life as well. Figure out how you like to study, and use that. I figured out that I learn by writing things down. Before every exam, I write an outline of topics that is going to be on that exam. To an average person that would seem redundant because I had already written everything down through my notes. However, my notes are often difficult to follow. By writing the material down in an organized manner, I can sort out my thoughts and absorb the material as I am writing. That strategy will not work for everyone. Some people learn by hearing. In that case, attending class and using a tape recorded is an excellent strategy. Some people learn visually, others learn through a combination of these things. However you learn, utilize that in order to study more efficiently. Know yourself in regards to your relationships. How many close friends do you typically like to have? What do you like to do in your free time? Sports? Read? Find people that share those interests. Be proud of who you are and find friends who are proud of that too. Know your work ethic. Do you do the most work during the week? Do you struggle to find motivation on the weekend? Work really hard during the week and get all assignments completed for Monday so that you are not feeling the stress on Sunday night. Do you have a hard time fitting homework into your busy schedule during the week? That is fine too! Work hard on the weekends so that you are not trying to manage homework on top of all of your extracurricular. Find out these things about yourself early and adapt your behavior. Use your strengths to your advantage, you will be amazed by the result.

5.) Take advantage of the community right outside your door

Especially during your first semester, you will be shown hundreds of ways to get involved on campus. It can be very overwhelming for a freshman. I would like to encourage you to attend anything you are even debating on going to. What are the two possible outcomes? You go to this meeting or this event and it is not fun. If that’s the case, oh well! A few hours of your night was taken up and you go back to your dorm. However, it may also be really cool. You may decide you like the club or the event and return in the future. Through that, you may meet your best friend, your significant other or even your future employer. In college, you never know what something may lead to. It is important to note that academics come first and foremost. Many students will overload themselves with activities and will let their grades suffer. It is important to prioritize in college, as many things will be screaming at you to make them a priority. You are only at this university for a short amount of time. After graduation, you do not have access to these amazing resources. I encourage you to take advantage of them while you can. Some of my best memories from my freshman year come from events that I was debating even going to. Looking back, I am certainly glad that I did.

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