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My Visit to Vanderbilt University

It is so funny how new interests are discovered. Sometimes we seek out new things to spice up our lives. Sometimes we realize that we are interested in something because we learned about it from a friend or colleague. However, some interests occur spontaneously. This past weekend I discovered a new interest of mine. My family and I took a weekend trip to Nashville for Memorial day. While planning out our agenda, someone had mentioned how Vanderbilt University was about 15 minutes away. I had asked to go if we had time and we did end up having time. I absolutely loved it. I loved it in a different way than I love Ohio State, though. I bleed Scarlet and Gray. Althought I liked visiting Vanderbilt, I would not want to go to school anywhere but Ohio State. Colleges are so interesting to me because they are communities where thousands of students and faculty live their lives! We visited Vanderbilt during the summer so there were no students but I could just imagine people walking through those court yards and buildings every day.

While visiting Vanderbilt, I realized that I am very intrigued by college campuses. My list of colleges that I want to visit is growing by the minute! I hope to someday make a New England tour of the ivy’s, including Harvard, Yale, Princeton and more. I would also like to visit some of the colleges in the Carolina’s, such as Duke and UNC.

I hope that, in my future job, I can incorporate college students and college visits into my job responsibilities. Don’t get me wrong, I am not going to leave accounting to become a permanent college student. I love accounting too much to do that! However, after realizing this interest of mine, I do hope to be involved in my future employers campus recruiting. Also, I hope to be able to speak to college students across the country one day. All in all, I hope that I can incorporate this fascination with college campuses and universities into my job as a business professional.

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