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“How to Be Successful: Central Ohio Women Leaders Share Their Stories"

Throughout the past couple of days on social media, I have seen an article titled, “How to Be Successful: Central Ohio Women Leaders Share Their Stories.” Below is the link:

I am always looking for writing inspiration so I, of course, followed the link and proceeded to read the article. I found it very inspirational and certain aspects of it resonated with me for the rest of the day.

Many of these women seem to share common traits. One thing I noticed is that almost all of them like to gather their thoughts and take a few minutes at the beginning of their day to relax. Honestly, this surprised me. When I think of an accomplished business woman, I think of someone who is constantly busy and is always racing to the next thing. After contemplating this trend, I have decided that it completely makes sense. These moments of calm probably contribute to their success! If they enter their day calm and collected, they can probably handle all of the different situations that they face much better. This sense of relaxation probably helps them to handle crises in a more rational fashion.

Another thing I read repeatedly in this article was the idea that many of these women suggested self-appreciation. By this I mean stopping and celebrating certain landmark achievements. In this article, when Mary Cusick was asked what advice she would give to her younger self, she responded by saying, “You are so much more than you think you are. Give yourself kudos and credit along the way. Your accomplishments earn confidence. There is no better risk to take than one on yourself.” That statement struck me in a very large way. As a perfectionist, I spend too much time focusing on what I have not yet accomplished and not enough time celebrating what I have accomplished. I could not agree more with Mary Cusick in this statement and I certainly have changed my outlook on accomplishments because of her advice.

I am glad I read this article because I can utilize their experiences and advice in my life. Every person can be learned from and I am glad that they were willing to share their stories.

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